![Nihad Hebibović, savjetnik drugog bošnjačkog člana Predsjedništva BiH](/media/2022/03/19/150413/H-150413-1245.webp)
Nihad Hebibović, savjetnik drugog bošnjačkog člana Predsjedništva BiH
How Bosniak politics sabotages the efforts of the U.S. and EU: Hebibović, Avdović and Mehmedović „explain“ why Bosniaks do not agree to any agreement with Croats - the goal is to „capture“ FBiH
While the U.S. and European mediators are making great efforts to resolve the issue of amendments to the BiH Election Law in accordance with the rulings of the BiH Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights, the Bosniak political public is increasingly articulating positions that clearly indicate why no agreement is possible.
From sources close to both the SDA and the Bosniak „civic“ parties, views that are trying to achieve the literal war goals of Bosniak politics in a peaceful way are openly articulated.
Nihad Hebibović, advisor to the second Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency, Željko Komšić, precisely explains why and in what way Bosniak politics should control as large a territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina as possible, as well as institutions from municipal to state or BiH Presidency level. These are openly chauvinistic and anti-Dayton views that have been undermining international efforts to stabilize BiH for years and these views are, at the same time, literally destroying BiH.
In addition, Erol Avdović, a Bosniak journalist with an American address, and Šemsudin Mehmedović, a conservative (partly Islamist) SDA politician, have similar views, openly saying that Bosniaks must not agree to Dayton solutions.
On Twitter, Hebibović „explains“ to those Bosniaks who accept the BiH state as a state of the three constituent peoples and other citizens that this is not the essential goal of Bosniak politics. Exactly the opposite.
He makes it clear that Bosniak politics cannot accept the fact that it has one third of the power in BiH, which is in line with the BiH Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement. He also claims that the principle of tripartite division of power in BiH can be broken peacefully.
„Instead of the concept of 'one third', it is necessary to inaugurate a political struggle for the concept of political majority, with the aim of (Bosniak, author's comment) dominating the majority of the state apparatus. For strengthening state sovereignty, security, social and economic reasons. The main political problem in BiH is that the civic political majority does not rule with a majority but with a third of the state apparatus. The Dayton Constitution allows the majority of the state apparatus to be ruled in a peaceful and political way. It is a question of political will, whether to suffer more, until when and why“, said Komšić's advisor, explaining why Bosniak politics rejects any agreement with the Croats in the Federation of BiH and therefore wants to take over the (Croat-Bosniak) Federation's House of Peoples or to make it meaningless, as it is currently a place to protect the political interests of the constituent peoples.
„No substantial change can happen by rotating Bosnian (euphemism for 'Bosniak', author's comment) political options in places belonging to the so-called Bosniak quota. It is futile exhaustion. The change is capturing the FBiH institutional apparatus and imposing 2/3 of the political will at the BiH level. The main reason why the SNSD supports the HDZ is the awareness of the above.
They know if we come together that this ratio can turn in our favor. And that is why they want the current situation to be concreted. Besides, it is the only possible way in which social change can be made.
Then the whole economic picture changes and the part of society that pays the most taxes to the state, then has most of the power, while now it is completely the opposite. Thus, the control of the majority of the state apparatus through the existing constitutional system is at the same time a national and social revolution. Revolution in a peaceful way“, Hebibović declared to the Bosniak public.
By the way, Komšić's advisor previously stated the position rooted in the Bosniak public (which they hide from international representatives) which says that the principle of constituent peoples applies to them only when grenades fall and that it must not be valid today because grenades do not fall.
He is a man who openly threatened „sending Wahhabis to ruin the tourist season in Croatia“, and supporters of Željko Komšić called for the murder of Dragan Čović and the rape of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović at pre-election rallies.
His views, as well as those of a number of Bosniak political officials, journalists, intellectuals and other public figures, are no secret and have been articulated for years in front of the domestic public, while trying to present themselves to the international community as a cooperative factor.
Dnevnik.ba | Jure Gudelj